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President Taft is in the Bath

President William Howard Taft playing with his rubber duckie in the bathtub.

Hey do you know where I can find President Taft? 

We need support for a bill that we need to draft

If we get him his support will clear a path

I'm sorry sir, the President is taking a bath

He’s got soap in his hair and suds in his ‘stache

He’s got rubber duckies diving and they’re making a splash

Sloshing and soaking he gives himself a scrub

Who needs legislation when you’re playin in the tub? 

Excuse me, sir, it’s paramount that this bill be signed!

It’s just been passed and to be brash we’re in a bind.

This bill can save us all from loads of troubles…

But President Taft’s soaking in loads of bubbles….

He’s got soap in his hair and suds in his ‘stache

He’s got rubber duckies diving and they’re making a splash

Sloshing and soaking he gives himself a scrub

Who needs legislation when you’re playin in the tub? 

Hey there oval officer we need Mr. Taft 

All the works been done we just need it autographed

It’s now or never and I mean it ain’t no joke 

I’m sorry sir but the President is taking a soak

He’s got soap in his hair and suds in his ‘stache

He’s got rubber duckies diving and they’re making a splash

Sloshing and soaking he gives himself a scrub

Who needs legislation when you’re playin in the tub? 

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